Voting ended at: July 22, 2021, noon
Weight after voting: 21.50 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 s3verus not bad
25 Fawl Tough CTF
24 chinhnt2k3 Not bad
25 psycholog1st Easy ctf
25 MOR14R7Y Ctf was awesome. And infrastructure too . Looking forward for more ??
25 Byambadalai ?
25 abdoghazy Learned alot from it ;)
24 zeyu2001 Good challenges, but room for improvement in terms of providing technical support.
5 rbtree I would left this; "others solved the challenge without hints" - rathaus / thetal, on the challenge 'Debug Or Me' which had 0 solvers.
5 rbtree Putting pwnable challenges in the rev category, Admins absent for ~13 hours, Lack of communication between challenge writers and admins.