Voting ended at: June 21, 2021, midnight
Weight after voting: 24.33 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 EsharkyTheGreat Good for beginners
25 Unrooted perfect CTF imo, everyone could find a task for themselves
25 TWY Appropriate Difficulty Difference Between Challenges
25 37hG3rm4n Nice CTF
25 n1ghtmar3 Nice
25 [deleted user]
25 MtSaka great
25 0xsakthi Good
25 Mr.R00T Nice CTF
25 Hellsender nice
25 Nitros__ nice one
25 sos1somba good one
25 MaskdMafia It was a nice CTF
25 victim1307 good
25 firesale cool challs
25 37hG3rm4n Nice! CTF, interesting challs!
25 pyon787 good challs
25 fr334aks Awesome
25 ph1nx Nice CTF
25 Raikovici it was a nice ctf
22 0xD20 maybe
20 TareqAhamed
24 puzzler7 -1 for bcacraft, great otherwise
25 Jopraveen asom
25 sshubhamk1 Nice CTF
25 merlin777k Great CTF ! I learned new tools specially in forensics. Hope to join more events from you guys. Thanks !!!
25 smd Nice CTF
25 0xsakthi Good one
25 Lisasil Nice one.
25 ZxM I aprob!
25 zeyu2001 Good CTF
25 n1ghtmar3 Nice One
20 marufmurtuza
3 0xmmalik interesting ctf, but a lot of technical difficulties with infra and a lot of the challenges
25 TWY Good CTF to revise the basics
20 Isopach nice beginner friendly ctf
25 bever209 gud
25 ElliotM87 Very interesting challenges
25 xbowery nice ctf
23 ptr-yudai Overall good but the pwn tasks were a bit too easy and unbalanced (6 out of 8 are basic stack overflow challenges afair)
20 Po4est ))
25 MREX Nice
15 tacbliw beginner level ctf
23 kxddah webex had beginner friendly challenges with increasing difficulty, few were a little to easy, well done
25 1Legacy My best ctf ever especially the webex
25 Maybe nice ctf
25 TheMythologist Many great challenges that range from easy to difficult ones
25 Roellik Some mislabeled challenges and certain infra issues, but a wide array of interesting and varied tasks and a great difficulty curve.
25 Dannyx001 Nice ctf kek approved
20 lime_attack Nice and beginner friendly CTF, web challenges were a bit too easy though. All of the SQLi challenges could be solved with the same payload.
25 NPC Interesting task. 1337 misc. Beginner friendly pwm.
25 p1xel nice ctf
25 MtSaka great
25 darkstar nice CTF
25 merlin777k Great CTF ! Learned new tools in forensics. Challenges were balanced for beginners and advanced participants. Thanks !!!
25 Vaneshik Normal CTF
16 Vaneshik Normal CTF
25 wongyos Good
25 kartibok Great CTF - Well organised with excellent challenges.
25 firesale Well balanced CTF
25 Eth007 great ctf despite some of the forensics being guessy
25 Jopraveen nice
25 erikkabir A
25 0xSAZZAD great CTF
25 satranfah001 good
25 galoget Very nice CTF, interesting challenges, I had fun while solving them.
25 MOR14R7Y Nicely organised! Challenges were fun and so were admins
25 c0d3_br3ak3r Nice ctf
25 junron learnt a lot
25 gdpr.1657183635.d034c90a80740f nice CTF
25 icssword Nice CTF
25 psycholog1st not quite a beginner ctf
25 DoperCat Is a very nice CTF
25 tensor Challanges range from beginner friendly to hard!