Voting ended at: Sept. 20, 2021, 8 a.m.
Weight after voting: 21.85 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 nghialuffy Nice CTF
25 HHH5 Good CTF
25 Mr.PuR3Sou1 Excellent CTF
25 0xSAZZAD good ctf
25 psycholog1st Good CTF
25 voidPtr some easy challs and some harder. No guessing imo. Nice ctf
25 Mr.PuR3Sou1 Excellent CTF
25 1vcian Nice ctf
18 1vcian Nice ctf
25 Eurus nice ctf
25 bteam good chall
19 dacat_ Pretty short CTF, for the difficulty of chals probably warrants running for longer so participants can enjoy more chals.
25 QueTeDesbordenMariPila Nice ctf
14 Southrain60 A bit hard, but good challenges.
25 psycholog1st Hard web challs, but lack of offical write ups
22 Isfet some challenge is quite simple, other ones are quite guessy
25 RJCyber tough challenges
25 uvicorn Nice ctf
5 MOR14R7Y staff is confused if there will be ctftime points or not : 3 different people answered 3 different answers .
23 Angad11121 Tough bruh
25 warlock_rootx Nice ctf. good forensic challenges
25 Wrth Impeccable CTF!
25 bteam