Voting ended at: Sept. 12, 2021, 10:30 a.m.

Weight after voting: 23.23 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 K415 Cool ctf

25 YuraKhoroshev good ctf

25 NomanProdhan It was fun

25 Masquerade Good beginner ctf

24 onorridg So cool

24 xplo1t It was a fun CTF. Learned a lot!

22 n0xt3r Thanks, it was fun.

25 riyadbinislam0 Excellent CTF

25 0xsakthi Good

25 delvinru good ctf

25 icssword nice ctf

25 Hitsu I have loved this CTF, learned many things and have so much fun! Thanks for this event!

25 Hellsender good

25 hatieudao85 Thanks your team very much :D

25 ElliotM87 good one

25 neji Nice CTF

25 bteam

24 kr4ft Couple of issues with flags, but overall great CTF

25 jvalserac Really nice CTF, we learned a lot, covering lots of parts in hacking. It was really fun as well.

25 PZES good ctf

25 TonyTow3rs gg

25 numberbee nice CTF

25 keeper772 Nice but one of crypto challanges was broken and admin couldnt admit it despite the fact 3 users proved him wrong.

25 alihv It was wonderful , specially in osint and crypto

25 toasterpwn Constant Lag on the site, but fun challenges.

19 jodunk the right flag dont accept by the website sometime. overall good challenge

20 Amdj3dax1 admins were not available all time, all though great challenges.

25 Br0ken Very Good CTF

25 idekJT Great

25 ReversedEyes amazing challenges!

20 Leslato nice ctf

25 R1ad nice ctf

25 R1ad nice ctf

25 K415 It was fun

25 z3r0_b1t GG

25 heapbytess It was fun !!!!

25 Nitros__ Good

25 0xSH1V4M it was a great ctf . me and my team learned a lot

1 4n0nym4u5 forenshit CTF

25 albatraoz It was a fun and challenging ctf

25 Hwi much fun (also staffs are great)

25 riyadbinislam0 The CTF was awesome. loved the challenges. looking forward to the next GrabCON CTF

25 0xSAZZAD :)

25 Necron3574 nice ctf

25 victim1307 :)

21 exzettabyte -

25 pureGavin good CTF

25 dacat_ Some challs were excellent and fun. Some were painful and required guessing in the flag formatting. Good overall tho.

25 KeepHowling colours could have been better, forensic challenges descriptions were impossible to read

25 Wolfvoyager That was fun

25 Sup3r_B3ttl3_G4m3r cryptos werent good but it was alright i guess overall

25 _k0imet Had some issues in formatting...but overall good game

25 00xc Cool CTF but infra was a bit unstable

25 r3dact0r cool challs!

25 RJCyber Very fun ctf

25 MOR14R7Y good, the infra was lil bad but refresh refresh refresh does the work and some challs were poor and guessy but ig it compensates ?

25 TareqAhamed next time please improve the color combination.. Anyway very nice ctf it was..

22 Sup3r_B3ttl3_G4m3r Cryptos weren’t too great

25 voynz nice ctf

1 warlock_rootx challs are Not bad,i can give 25/25 but dynamic point issue(not all chall have correct format) and scoreboard issue 1/25