Voting ended at: April 25, 2021, 12:30 p.m.
Weight after voting: 20.75 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
3 MissMalware Separating challs based on category would be better.
25 vulnfreak Boot2Root Challenges are Great
25 ZeroDayTea Loved the interesting challs and boot2root machines!
25 x3rz nicee waiting for next 3.0
17 karma9874 minus for guessing
25 warlock_rootx only 10/25, no chall category,no chall info,guess the pass == this ctf is not a guessing ctf damn only one boot2root nice and unstable infra
25 HardikJain Boot2root were pretty good and challenging
25 0bs3ssi0n Nice to see boot2root machines in the CTF.
25 Cyber8RU7U5 Very different challenges, not a lot but pretty hard ones. Nicely designed boot2root
25 d3Xm Thumbs up for boot2root machines
25 white_wolf Boxes were good
25 deaduser noice xohan liked it
10 MOR14R7Y could have been better