Voting ended at: April 24, 2021, 3 p.m.
Weight after voting: 35.11 / 36.465
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
30 altareen Decent CTF.
31 nicdumz scoring was strange. Probably would expect higher initial chall points, with dynamic scoring. Good effort, responsive admins.
36 isautodata Good CTF!
36 coookiekrieger Had a few quite hard ones an due to the low Challenge count they fall heavier in weight than usual
17 coookiekrieger Had a few quite hard ones, and regarding the low quantity of Challengrs these fall heavier in the weight than normal
36 Karatus good
33 HardikJain Beginner Friendly challenges and some really good pwn challenges, overall good
36 aaSSfxxx Nice beginner CTF, good pwn challenges
36 taidh nice ctf
36 wongyos Good
36 larsw good ctf!