Voting ended at: March 15, 2021, 10 p.m.
Weight after voting: 23.94 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
25 r3yc0n1c <|_L1k3d_1t_|>
25 FADEC0D3 One of my favorite CTF's! Loved the challenges this year! ?
25 hack4chai good challenges
25 hack4chai it was a very challenging ctf
25 oioki good one
25 th3f0x could have been a bit harder
25 p4w nice ctf
25 Helix_Ninja Pretty good challenges.
18 bever209 nice ctf
25 fr334aks Fun CTF
25 SC4R good range of difficulty in challenges
25 dimasiki it was exciting
25 MOR14R7Y Good challenges
25 MOR14R7Y Good challenges
24 careless_finch good challenges
14 bravoVictor Weird scoring situation means that the standings are goofy. The top couple of teams deserved it for sure :)
25 BLACKBEARD fun challs, very helpful admins :)
25 crit Too bad all rev took from pwn, otherwise very nice
20 4n0nym4u5 challenges were good... intermediate level...
18 manishkumarr1017 brute forcing challenges are bit more and pwn challenges are bit more like reversing challenges. But overall enjoyed pwn and rev challenges
25 Rivit Nice pwn challenges ;)
25 [deleted user] Very good
22 notamrita Interesting challenges
25 Ji@Hyeongeun funny CTF
25 Yud good
25 lebr0nli Good challs
25 haibn Great
25 wongyos Good
25 Neit Interesting challenges :-)
25 Ewael Well organized, challenges were REALLY nice, could have been useful to create a discord serv' instead of slack but still one of the best CTF
25 Jaroslaw_Keller OK
20 1GN1tE Some guessy challs, Rev was good and interesting
25 zmraco good variety of challs
25 firesale variety of challs
25 Roellik Lovely progression in difficulty, interesting tasks in a wide range of categories and great flavor.
25 chop0 I will never forget the loving embrace of BSidesSF 2021 CTF. I felt as though my eyes had been opened for the first time.
12 clubby789 Quite a bit of guessy stuff, but there were some interesting problems in the Pwn and RE sections.
25 Quintec poggers
25 GMKdotUS Fun CTF.
25 balayette Awesome as always
25 aswwwanth Nice challenges