Voting ended at: March 21, 2021, 10 p.m.
Weight after voting: 20.79 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
20 BitFriends guessy
1 1GN1tE I don't know why people like guessy challs
25 wicardobeth Easy challs
25 pl4nty Some guessy chals but enjoyed overall
10 r3yc0n1c "This level of challenges was so unexpected that I was almost dead due to a heart attack in my kidney" | infra & admins were good
1 4n0nym4u5 CTF ratings determine the quality of the ctf
23 chinhnt2k3 Looks good, but our team didn't spend enough time
24 vulnfreak Some challenges need guess but overall are good and do better next time ?
25 Th0m4sK fun
25 Itz_me_strikerr ok
25 x3rz ok
16 x3rz ok
10 roerohan Can do better
2 codacker Best example of First CTF gone wrong, please make some good challenges next time!!!
23 sup3rhum4n Learnt about new topics and the web challenges were good but a bit of guessing required.
25 Hellsender Good
25 Hellsender Good
25 ph1nx Good CTF, few challenges are guessy
10 peszr Beginner friendly CTF. Technical aspects vary from easy to easy-medium difficulty, but some challenges were guessing with misleading hints.
25 NullSploi1 Cool ctf
25 dr3sden Great CTF
21 yurahod Great for beginners :)
25 kaki-epithesi good
25 [deleted user] CTF was very cool, interesting tasks, adequate organizers. Big respect from lucky625.
25 hexkn1ght Good
25 Itz_me_strikerr HOO
25 Black-Fox Beginner friendly CTF
25 n1ghtmar3 It was fun. Learned a lot
25 lolt3under interesting CTF , i got to learn a LOT , made good use of our time , some new challs that really made it a nice start to 2021.
25 UVvirus mm
25 RCP Had FUN and Well - Organized
19 RCP Had Fun and well-organized
13 theHarvester max. challenges were like OSINT type. Still enjoyed.
25 GMKdotUS I had fun
12 kosong Many guessing challenge
10 MatteoPaier Some challenges were good for beginners. Too much guessing, though. Also, reversing often was NOT reversing.
24 stankc Had fun
9 ddellagiustina Begginer-friendly, but too many guessing challenges
8 ddellagiustina Begginer-friendly, mut too much guessing challenges
15 sokom A good amount of challenges were guessing with useless hints and poor descriptions. Also a lot of typos and cloudflare was very annoying!
25 wongyos Good
13 peszr Beginner friendly CTF. Technical aspects vary from easy to medium difficulty, but some challenges were guessing with misleading hints.
25 firesale Some challenges required out of the box thinking
25 Xfur Nice challenges
12 MOR14R7Y Good challenges but many challenges were guessy. Description werent clear enough either
25 arkiix ?
25 Jakom Good WEB easy challenges, other challenges i have no idea about them
10 f10r3 Several challenges were based on guessing...
25 Hackkery Decent CTF
10 kalex Web challenges were ok for beginners. Reversing was NOT reversing, it was awful. Forensics and crypto were basically more guessing.
25 yuyu fufufu
10 Re_ Mostly of the challenge was guessing
13 Isra-Mosad nice
24 b1ackp3ar1 Every category covered
1 fl3x3dd Nice guesser-friendly ctf ?