Voting ended at: May 2, 2021, 10 p.m.

Weight after voting: 24.23 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 fr334aks Smooth

25 toothl3ss test

25 revolution The ctf was great there were some advanced and beginners challenges In addition the staff did an awesome job in the organization field.

25 tacbliw Nice ctf, not much guesing

25 toothl3ss Great CTF

25 mble Masny CTF, I recommend it

25 Unrooted Great CTF

25 HuntClauss really fun challenges

25 Nitros__ nice

21 mk7120 Nice

25 nasm Nice CTF

25 Nitros__ Good one

25 z3r0_b1t GG

25 Leslato Super CTF nice challs and nice administration

25 ZeroDayTea Good for beginners and some amazing more difficult challenges as well!

25 sl0ck Nice

25 TheDarthMike Good CTF for beginners and intermediates.

25 xsoltek nice CTF the administrators manage to continue the ctf despite some people tried to DDOS the infrastructe

20 larsw Good CTF, but some guessy challs. Not organizers fault that they were DDoS'ed :-/

25 aaSSfxxx Nice CTF

25 xThaz Que des bg

25 ImbaQ Nice ;)

24 anon9302 noice

25 Th0m4sK great

25 Al3x2 Nice ;)

25 Amdj3dax1 ez gg

25 Tbotas I loved it, the challs were really fun

25 Deznom Interesting CTF

25 wongyos Good


25 RCP Good event and learned new concepts

25 c0wb3ll good

25 R1ad GG

25 zeroday504 Awesome CTF with wide variety of challenges and great engagement from the organizers!

25 Ch3lLIST4 nice CTF

25 cieran Very fun CTF, wide range of challs!

25 0xDoge Amazing challenges, helpful admins, not their fault they were DDos'd

25 Iuc Really nice CTF :-)

20 0xARK Very good CTF, I really enjoyed it !

24 kernoeb Very nice CTF with great organizers ! :)

20 0xARK Very good CTF, I really enjoyed it !

25 boring full quality chall with 2K participant was really clean thx

16 0Adiber Easy & Hard Challenges mixed

25 NorthBlue333 Fun challs and great team

25 Hackdaddy Great event with funny challs

25 Eth007 Great CTF!

14 Steve33 Really good event

25 LukeGix Good challenges and awesome organizers.

25 ZeroDayTea A ton of amazing challenges and fun boot2root challenge as well!

20 checkam Really good ctf, for everyone!

25 Edra good chall

25 Ryx076 Interesting challenges and great organizers.

25 hamz0 .

25 hamz0 .

25 Soyakongen Great CTF and very responsive organizers and mods.