Voting ended at: Feb. 28, 2021, 10:30 a.m.

Weight after voting: 24.06 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 TR1CKS73R cool ctf

15 bever209 good ctf

25 M4ndU good

25 4n0nym4u5 Pwn challenge were great.. And perfect infrastructure

25 Jakom great ctf with nie challenges

25 Crypto_boy Best

25 vulnfreak I only solved crypto and android and both are upto the mark

25 erikkabir hard

25 [deleted user] good ctfs are quite rare nowadays, this was really good!

25 minn3 good challenge

15 vitmalkin Some tasks were super-guessy

24 lebr0nli Good CTF!

25 stankc Had great time!

25 ambrotd fun

25 [email protected] Good challs

25 0x51B1 Great

25 roerohan GG

25 hanugra GREAT

25 yeraisci good ctf

21 _M@vErick_ NIce

25 heijke great as always!

14 yakuh1t0 some challs were very interesting, but some were kund of guessy.

25 sl0ck very nice

25 Internaut401 Nice challs

24 Dexter- Really well organized.. and a great experience. Got to learn many new things

25 haibn goog stuff

25 BLACKBEARD nice challs, could've been better with more running time

25 MuMu Many funny challenges , hope I have more time to solve the Crypto challenges

25 davezero86 Great CTF!

25 KrevedKO Nice

25 klonwar Good tasks

25 syrnik Nice and interesting event with various challenges.

25 UVvirus nice

25 m3ssap0 Nice CTF.

25 magichk Very difficult and techinical CTF. More than other that we participate in the past.

25 firesale Nice challs

25 warlock_rootx infra is good, Solved Forensic ( just a ez level challenge no fun) and web is good

25 Hackkery Fun CTF!

25 jlsajfj fun,hard

23 sqrtrev Infra + Challenges were not bad. Especially I enjoyed Crypto and Web + Kind admin :)

25 lionaneesh nice ctfs. I liked the pwn. Learned a lot!

25 Crypto_boy interesting challenges...nice ctf

25 Geladen good ctf.

25 reAether nice CTF !

25 notamrita Interesting challenges!

25 DragoonX :D Nice CTF with amazing web challanges.

25 danielep cool

25 kartibok Very Challenging CTF - wish there were some easier problems to help build confidence for some of the newer players

25 staccah_staccah Nice CTF

25 x3rz nice one

25 tensor Challenging CTF!

25 lightStack Really cool challenges and good infrastructure

25 gdpr.1624120382.29249351266cf1 Great organised and creative challenges

25 aswwwanth Interesting challenges and properly organized.

25 izufic decent ctf

25 0x7anmay interesting challs

25 stankc Nice work, had fun!

25 0xsachin Nice event Good work Team DarkArmy

20 WildCard1 Was a nice CTF :)

25 theCypher Challenging CTF

25 Jakom good CTF

25 fa.deldar Nice CTF

20 cyberpj ?

13 cyberpj ? cool ctf

25 CETACEAN Amazing CTF.... ʘ‿ʘ Loved OSINT challenges.

25 n00bmasterr Hard for beginners but super fun.

25 wongyos Very fun

25 taidh Good CTF. Great Challenge. I like challenge VLK_SQL and DMM

25 hexkn1ght good ctf

21 BinaryShadow Very Interesting Challenges.

25 Itz_me_strikerr Superb