Voting ended at: Feb. 6, 2021, 5 p.m.

Weight after voting: 20.73 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 Mudu nice ctf

25 Mudu nice ctf

23 accio_bugs nice ctf! graphed got me crazy!!

23 ogianatiempo Very fun challenges in general. Learned a lot of crypto, pwn and blockchain. Reversing challenges were not that good though.

25 nhy very nice ctf, a lot of interresting challenges despite some guessing...

25 Hackkery Really good CTF to start for Beginners.

25 tehdisko Awesome ctf

22 korami Nice but not perfect some challenge had some guessing

23 b3n4kh 23 nice one

10 brony_uraj Meh web tasks

25 r3yc0n1c ofc Nice one

16 toastedsteaksandwich A fun CTF with great blockchain chals. There were infra challenges but the admins were quick to fix it

18 CamposSama nice

20 Iuc A bit mess with revoked Linux chall, which was broken due to users activity. In plus enough time to play with every chal.

20 backwash very fun CTF

15 gum3ng nice challs

5 _lkmidas most challenges are so beginner-level, repetitive, guessy, and low-effort

23 1GN1tE Some challs are guessy

25 pyon787 good challs

25 Moby Nice ctf!

25 abdoghazy nice one :)

25 uall_e innteresting one, pplayground

25 jlsajfj very enjoyable yet so painful

23 crit Web was kinda guessy but the rest of the challenges were great

25 SaltanatNaibi niceee

25 Nkzlxs enjoyed my 7 days of learning and painfully trying

25 ph1nx Good CTF

25 lionaneesh Pretty well made challenges. Taught me about srop and ret2csu. Will never forget. Good admins as well. Thanks!

7 parrot i didn't like webs

25 CSN3RD Tough challenges.

25 vatsalsharma376 hard crypto challenges

18 circleous Some challenges are good, but definetly not in 20+ rating

23 yonlif Great ctf, not guessy at all, the solidity challenges were refreshing and interesting and the crypto was ?

17 zup Some challenges were great, I liked that there was a lot of blockchain stuff I could learn. A lot of guessing overall though

25 0xDoge Interesting challenges, was very reveng and pwn heavy

25 andreas_ Great CTF with a perfect mix of challenges!

25 SaltanatNaibi nice ctf

25 BitFriends cool

25 hanugra Nice CTF !

25 Kaimi Pretty decent, though some tasks are a bit guessy

25 gh0st_app1e Learnt something new

25 NikNitro Funny CTF. Learnt a lot about blockchain and Solidity :)

25 nicksv It was fun

25 GMKdotUS Fun CTF

15 ElikBelik fine pwn

25 r3yc0n1c liked the crypto challs a lot, some challs were guessy and infra betrayed me sometimes. Overall it was a nice CTF !!!

22 crypto_22 the challenges were good and learnt a lot even though could solve only few. Organisation of the competition could have been better.

20 killerdog A lot of good (hard) challenges, but a couple of very guessy challenges too. Also not the most coordinated.

12 sqrtrev The most ideas are from another CTF like HITCON 2017. So, the idea of challenge was not bad but too many guessing challenges are there.

25 BLACKBEARD nice pwn challs

20 yugge Good CTF. A bit chaotic in planning and with challenges that had to be removed or re-planned during the CTF, which is a bit unfortunate.

20 Thorn_ Learned a lot

22 yellowriver81 Good CTF, some minor bumps along the way, but overall very well done, and I learned a lot.

25 Jauler nice CTF

21 tacbliw well done

25 wongyos Good CTF

14 FeDEX Overall not a great experience, but a few tasks were good.

20 inho Nice CTF !

10 lebr0nli Medium

18 embe221ed I really loved the PWN challenges!

20 karma9874 web had stego :(

25 kartibok For the three I managed to complete, I enjoyed it. Blockchain was new to me, so looking forward to getting more next year. Good CTF

16 farazsth98 Some good challenges, but unfortunately lots of infra issues and quite a few guessy / unrealistic challenges

2 r4j 2 points for the pwn tasks. All other categories were full of guessing and sucked.

25 gdpr.1657638594.53bf4a8e9701b8 vote spammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm (jk jk)

12 Pig__ Apparently I do

15 willwam Had it's ups and downs, but challenge quality was generally fine, after live testing during the CTF.

11 Pig__ Do I have to write something here

15 clubby789 Some fun challenges, but my experience was brought down by the guessy web challenges.

25 abda Very good CTF. Web challenges were a bit guessy, but apart from that everythings good. Admins, organisation. Well DONE!