Voting ended at: Feb. 28, 2021, 7 p.m.

Weight after voting: 24.34 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 Ark nice ctf, but less web challs

25 TR1CKS73R Liked this one too

25 bever209 good ctf

25 sechopgoblin Well done Cr0wn looking forward to next year

25 Anakayn really good CTF

22 redin0s Great CTF overall, web disguised as crypto though

25 erikkabir hard

25 sqrtrev interesting

25 Akinari Nice geosint

25 NicolaiS Really good and interesting challenges! No downtime/problems and admins was responsive

25 nasm Very Interesting ctf

25 aaSSfxxx Good and funny CTF

17 vitmalkin not that bad, but some challs were too much guessy

25 TheZakMan Didn't have time to play it all, but looked promesing!

25 Th0m4sK nice

25 sl0ck nice

25 shiki7 nice ctf

25 c0nf1k3rrr nice CTF. It could've last longer

17 kbr zajebiste category sucks ass. rest was ok

15 kbr zajebiste category sucks ass

25 Moby Nice ctf

25 min Would've been great if there were more web tasks but overall a great ctf.

25 ptr-yudai all pwn tasks were open-sourced. worth more than 25pts.

24 ptr-yudai very good ctf but categories were too unbalanced (like 2 web vs 7 misc)

11 TheZakMan Didn't have much time to play it, but it was fun.

25 ireland creative miscs, fun crypto

25 _tourpran cool challs looking forward to next year ctf :)

25 MuMu Hard

25 Roellik Good challenge progression, nice mix of novel tasks. Bit light on the web, maybe?

23 clubby789 Lots of fun but I'm not sure about having OSINT on a real person.

25 RealJammy really nice challenges overall

25 ubnix good challs

25 voydstack Really good CTF, high quality challenges and cool staff

25 willwam good challs

24 RealJammy Fun challenges, removing one point for the osint being about a real world person w/o consent

20 eldstal Good challenges! GEOINT was a at a very good difficulty level. I only wish they had more points alloted.

25 _HK noice

25 notamrita nice geosint

25 firesale nice osints

25 parrot a pwn challenge that i worked on was fun. -10 for less and not good webs ( my own opinion ). +5 not guessy webs.+5 bonus.

25 aswwwanth Good challenges

25 justlikebono nice chall

25 atheistsoldier super fun. questions were interesting.

25 qxxxb Super fun

25 farazsth98 Good pwns and good event

25 Yuriii Very very love unionware, i hope it would appeared again

25 mystiz Super fun

25 0xd4rk quality challs

25 wongyos Good

25 r4j nice pwns

25 lionaneesh Great pwn and revs. Real world malware based.

25 killerdog Great event

25 fr334aks A Masterpiece

25 rkm0959 good