Voting ended at: June 27, 2021, 5 p.m.
Weight after voting: 36.12 / 37.500
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
37 josephhuxley great ctf
37 muodov nice diverse web tasks
30 21ma thanks
37 Ark time-based scoring may be unfair for some time zones (-1) / interesting & no-guessy web challs and perfect infra (+100)
30 lmongol good ctf and good challenges, thanks to admins
37 psycholog1st Really interesting and hard challenges. Learned a lot!
37 skat Great CTF! Shou really knows how to make awesome challenges that are challenging, not-guessy, and well-made. Infrastructure is also great.
37 dayt0n Excellent CTF, really cool to see all of the different types of web challenges that could be made
37 zeosutt Nice challenges. I learned a lot.
37 express Cool ctf
37 parrot Well managed - nice tasks/admins | challenge score based on time of the solve sucks - xss bot was unstable sometimes
37 klonwar nice web tasks
37 sebastianpc Nice challs and admins
37 dfyz Rock-solid infra and fun challenges.
37 Renwa Nice challenges
37 sqrtrev nice web challenges
37 t0mbombadil Really nice web challenges with bot simulating user for xss / phishings (that's not that common) , nice and different skin for CTF.