Voting ended at: Oct. 3, 2020, 6:30 a.m.

Weight after voting: 22.35 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 Mudu nice ctf

25 taj0023 It was superb!!!!

25 skirmish Good range of challenges

25 page2me good

25 page2me good

25 kaki-epithesi Good

25 Hack3rOneness Awesome

19 Hack3rOneness It was awesome

25 gdpr.1624120382.29249351266cf1 very much good for new bee!

23 YASH good CTF

25 wi11_ good CTF

25 prisnel0v Noice

25 Mudu nice one

15 Jopa0226 Fairly challenging. Some challenges were a bit unclear, however it was pretty good overall.

25 Akinari Not bad

25 prisnel0v Great Learning Challenges


22 b1ackp3ar1 Nice ctf

25 sean56110 GGWP

25 warlock_rootx oki ctf

25 taj0023 Superb... I could complete many challenges even though i am a noob..... many challenges i couldnt solve ....which means theres tough q's too

25 deNableD ctf was good challenges could be more hard and include pwn

25 wongyos Good ctf

15 T3cH_W1z4rD Amazing CTF, it was a cool ctf for beginners and intermediate level some challenge was really good and nice.

25 suppapan gg

4 ketanch nice ctf

25 0x7anmay Well balanced with some tricky challenges!

25 r3curs1v3_pr0xy Awesome CTF at beginners level, Some challenges were really interesting. Overall Enjoyed a lot :)

25 Fieldraccoon great ctf with some good challenges had a good time!

25 intentions Awsm Beginner CTF with amazing challenges. Enjoyed a lot. Learnt many new things...