Voting ended at: Oct. 17, 2020, 5:30 p.m.
Weight after voting: 27.83 / 37.500
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
8 MrQubo Most of the challs were guessy, annoying, and easy. Coding challs required hours of waiting. Binary challs were very good.
35 ionno A lot of guessing challenges though pretty funny and interesting. The website is a little messy.
25 krzys_h Way too much guessing, but there were some nice challenges. Very professional organization, but the website is kinda hard to navigate.
35 killerdog Was annoying that rather guessy level 1 challenges blocked the more interesting/challenging 4 and 5 ones
23 jlsajfj fun challenges, nice first ctf
25 ionno A lot of guessing challenges though pretty funny and interesting. The website is a little messy.
35 wonrzrzeczny Unclear instructions and a lot of unnecessary guessing in otherwise nice challenges. Very professional organization. +10 pts for bin400 :)
37 RxThorn
1 dropcake Very guessy challenges. The website was too cluttered. Also, the challenges were changed many times which was annoying
1 0xd4rk Really guessy challenges and the site had way too much going on.
37 aenniw
37 kowu Compared to last year, it improved a lot. Tricky reversing-challenges.
37 adragos Really cool web challenges :)
37 mr96
32 wr3nchsr
10 meowmeowxw Good binary and coding, the other challs were too guessy
37 DummyH k
1 dantt guessfest
37 marcog
37 ReverseBrain One of the best CTF organized in Italy by Reply
37 FeDEX