Voting ended at: Aug. 17, 2020, 10 a.m.

Weight after voting: 14.21 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


20 serafinapekkala444 very creative and useful forensic and misc challenges, not the usual, i loved it. You dont have to be like anyone, you have to be original.

13 evgfilim1 Rather interesting and playable CTF, but not really good. Guessing, not working tasks and infrastructure. Admins are responsive, thanks.

1 vikychoi The pwn chall has the wrong category

1 En1gma your rev challenges aren't good, you should improve your rev next time

25 InersIn

14 clauncher cool!!

25 [deleted user]

25 JaysesS Goog ctf, with good tasks :)

1 _tourpran Can be better !!

1 x0r19x91 Fucked up challenges. Shitty android revs

1 il777 Crypto challenge was quite weird, that is, it looked like stego more. Also, tasks were unreachable for about 3 hours. So-so...

1 b1n4r9 - Ucucuga (guessing) - awful web and pwn - was down first 3 hours - exams tasks' pack contradict the logic of the CTF concept itself

1 __Krause__ disappointed

16 ooborn

25 PHILd very friendly and funny tasks. learned a lot about escape sequences injections and got more experience in network attack discovery. 25

3 DarkHacker_656 If your a russian it would be a easier. Even a file contains Fully russian.

10 _tourpran could improve !!

1 sshubhamk1 very disappointing

1 x0r19x91 shitty tasks

1 @clnr

20 zzzdamon good and smart challenges

25 paulll Good forensics, nice admins

25 kaki-epithesi All were good

25 kaki-epithesi Good one

25 K4L1R007 coollllll

1 ker disappointed

1 sh4d0wless category for only russians? bad ctf

22 galoget Good CTF, some problems with infrastructure, OSINT and Misc Challenges were great. You had to know Russian to solve some challenges.

1 Akuma bad ctf

25 1GN1tE OSINT and Misc were fun

25 tehdisko good tasks

20 grinnds Hope for a better CTF next time

24 alyukovnet Unordinary task categories

24 GeekaN It was fun

20 zpix playable

25 mushroom397 Cool CTF! Great challenges and helpful authors

25 Rus12la5n Nice ctf

1 HenryRozenttag Bad ctf with bad infrastructure. Bad orgs. Terrible ctf

1 rinagert512 Bad

5 klanec Entire category of questions in Russian only. Put a disclaimer next time that this CTF is for Russian speakers only. OSINT was good though.

1 fl3x3dd It was a very fun CTF. Learned a lot of new techniques while solving bin pwn chals. Also crypro had so much math I loved every single step.

1 sudhackar Infra and challs were down most of the time.challenges written in русский. No pwn - 1 chall without binary. reverse was ok. No actual crypto

2 0x3C3E - wasn't fun - infrastructure was broken - ru exam questions + reverse & osint challenges were fine

25 DummyH .

25 exti0p Really nice CTF. OSINT / Misc were original and very fun!

25 needlessrandomlamer Awesome CTF. Absolutely enjoyed playing

25 delvinru Good CTF

7 vladko312 U is for ucucuga

11 A27 Nice challenges

25 Lip4ik Best task for forensics

25 deNableD awesome CTF

25 [deleted user] nice

20 r3yc0n1c Kinda out of the blue but enjoyed anyway. The admins are really helpful.

20 chinhnt2k3 Ok except for the Russian part

1 mystiz Ultimately guessy and you gotta know Russian to solve some of the challenges.

20 [deleted user] It was a very fun CTF. The challenges were great specially the OSINT and Misc challenges.