Voting ended at: June 17, 2020, 5:30 a.m.

Weight after voting: 23.17 / 25.0

Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.


25 kosong Nice challenge

25 Quintec less guessy than expected

25 atari0x 333

25 _wh1t3r0se_ oWo

25 zephyr

25 insomn14 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

25 kaki-epithesi simple but hard

25 gr4n173 Nice ctf

25 white_wolf Very Nice Ctf we learn alot

25 st0ic3r Good ctf

1 AC01010 .

25 bAse good ctf

25 WoozyAK Good CTF, Fun forensics challs

25 thecarrot GG

25 insomn14 Fun CTF

25 .ctos I enjoyed this CTF. Infra needs to be improved for next time.

25 drill_goes_brrr ammazing

25 thenishkarshagarwal loved it, infact the infra was a bit bad, the challs covered it up!

25 ph1nx cool CTF

25 _wh1t3r0se_ (-_-)

25 z3n Nice

25 gdpr.1594272766.53c0ab52be0d1b nice ctf

24 .ctos I enjoyed this Good CTF

25 r0Gu3ShAdoW great ctf

22 prisnel0v challenges were good but a bit server error

25 Mr.Happy CTF is really good !

13 themohitpapneja .

25 Akinari .

20 PwnSparrow Very Good CTF

19 wr3nch0x1 Great CTF

23 chitkara.abhi good

25 skarface Great Challenges overall !

25 [deleted user] awesome

25 AK4E Ggg

25 AK4E Nice

25 Navprak Very good CTF

20 vincentwu Nice challenges in overall, although the infrastructure is not secure enough to got DDoS attacks.

25 RealJammy funny admins

25 AstarkIV Nice CTF. Enjoyed it

25 Cyb3rDoctor Nice CTF ?

25 warlock_rootx Nice CTF. Good Mem forensic challenge ez one not really hard , crypto and misc also nice & little more guess work needed

25 x0r19x91 -

25 ZetaTwo -