Voting ended at: April 19, 2020, 6 p.m.
Weight after voting: 23.50 / 25.0
Voting was available from the event start and a week after the finish.
19 kukuxumushi Service didn't start cause of wrong docker. Old version of docker-compose. Shitty scoreboard. Game was paused cause of checker issue.
25 nosurf Was great, well planned
25 Mr.White0racle Great ctf!
4 korniltsev service didnt start cause of wrong docker. uselses pwn service. shitty scoreboard. game was paused cause of checker issue.
25 theguy thanks for organizing!
25 slopey nice
25 alb1or1x Great A/D with cloud vulnboxes
25 Debik really tough services!
25 0x4d5a-ctf Some downtime, but nice challenges
25 SpaceCat good train a\d
25 SpaceCat good train a\d
25 0xd4127c3c nice ad
25 abcdsh super
25 shok хотелось бы больше 25 ;(
25 slopey nice
25 Oskage good
25 amoniaka-knabino <3
25 d-we Very nice challenges! But a few infra problems
25 lucky_ducky The best a/d in the world !!!
25 lucky_ducky ???
25 ne_bknn great
25 Gaspare very nice
25 HenryRozenttag Stay home, safe your health
25 vient very nice ctf, only had minor scoreboard sla problems