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Urmia CTF (UCTF) is a student-led cybersecurity competition organized by Urmia University and Urmia University of Technology.
This CTF is geared more towards university students, but anyone may compete!

CTF events

Urmia CTF 202424.27
Urmia CTF 202324.27
Related tags: cryptography nothing jsp modbus dtls go j2ee radare tcp js vlan django pax windbg arm tcpip tunnels ipsec niprnet ipv6 format string aslr prng udp asm coding packet ip repacking golang ida apps oracle win c++ c x64 attacks rails corba grsec windows mips routing python perl ppc analysis bash padding forensics spi rop c unpacking binwalk penetration jtag swd i2c tor nsanet enumeration shellscript linux html javascript reverse pwnable datamining graphics gpu sql programming databases networks emulator pwn escape shadowstack warmup pwntools assembly sqli web diffie-hellman crypto franklin-reiter rsa lattice bbs linearization xhr steganography misc crytography 350 osint stego steghide audio morse android sqlite3 hexedit volatility vhd tls masterkey wireshark forensic fernet reversing engineering