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LakeCTF is the first CTF hosted by polygl0ts (and friends), the CTF team of EPFL.

For the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the IC Faculty at EPFL we organize a CTF with on-site finals.

Challenge Categories : Pwn, Rev, Crypto, Web, and Misc

CTF events

LakeCTF Finals 24-2536.00
LakeCTF Quals 24-2535.94
LakeCTF Finals 2324.00
LakeCTF Quals 2323.96
LakeCTF Finals24.00
LakeCTF Qualifications23.96
Related tags: good being not combinatorics forensics python pentesting networking music #crypto nothing penetration reverse engineering linux exploitation c c++ c asm x86 ida windows windbg reverse_engineering routing hacking switching web watching pwn reversing pwnable jail escape python3.8 rev john user-agent php spectrogram log sqli git crypto rsa obfuscation haskell sat aeg cbc begginner friendly indepth beginner_friendly burpsuite browser turbofan v8 franklin-reiter easy magic hashes disable_functions ffi bypass got-overwrite write-what-where format-string malloc bof rop ret2libc fini_array ret2win radare2 pwntools leak pdf misc sstv sonic_visualizer audio permutation blockcipher cipher substitution alphabet shift caesar caesar_shift history rotated verilog revers xor boot2root diffie-hellman discrete-log pohlig-hellman gpg common-factor gcd latex latex scala dom-clobbering pgp blockchain quine evm merkle-tree ethereum console signature stackcanary csp-bypass csp xss asan github create2 unintended-solution linker canary arm docker arm64 saferuby custom-heap eddsa