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PatriotCTF is a beginner-friendly, jeopardy-style capture-the-flag competition hosted by GMU's cybersecurity club, MasonCC. All are welcome to participate, including students and security professionals. Challenges will range from beginner to expert, so there should be something for everyone.

CTF events

PatriotCTF 202431.83
PatriotCTF 202324.52
Related tags: malware web ctf crypto reversing forensics programming learning nothing websec pwn pwnable steganography network format-string rsa misc coding aes pwntools exiftool sudo privilege_escalation guessing rev cryptography-rsa medium hard ssti rce cookie xss easy golang path-traversal fuzzing expert race-condition symlink tar zip-slip substitution padding bit-flipping aes-cbc xor forgery cbc-mac aes-ecb cipher hash-length-extension wireshark binwalk beginner mitre registry privesc exfiltration icmp bluetooth depression vm alcohol forensic+crypto team_valhalla stenography webexploitation sqlinjection cryptography osint machine_learning