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CTFs organized by The WinRaRs, a high school CTF team from the UK.

CTF events

RaRCTF 202124.53
Related tags: analysis reverse crypto #forensic python java web linux pwn reversing databases nothing c c malware programming image steganography cryptography cryptanalysis writeup csharp .net things learning androidsecurity wifi hardwaresecurity android hardware wpa aircrack exploitation algorithms code-injection design english reverse_engineering exploit french perl c++ forensics network rsa websocket engineering forensic rev heap custom-heap rust xss beginner_friendly indepth ghidra tcache-dup oob shellcode sagemath modular-arithmetic rsa-like easy proxy one_gadget brainfuck ropchain aes sbox libc-2.27 commandinjection simple ret2winrars ret2win misc schnorr babai lll coppersmith mt19937 linear-cryptanalysis overflow tcache re cry blockchain dnsrebind medium miscellaneous