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DarkArmy organizing First Edition of darkCON CTF with lots of fun and experience with lots of great challenges and lots of categories and lots of prizes.
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CTF events

darkCON CTF24.06
Related tags: known-plaintext zip csrf football chess pwn engineering reverse coding c kernel radare2 c crypto c++ protocols scripting java googling reversing python web programming golang sqli xss things memory cheat cryptography misc re bruteforce netcat ropchain rop stackcanary infoleak one_gadget heap rsa-crypto forensics pwnscripts ret2dlresolve tcache-poisoning tcache osint social qrcode reverse-engineering android frida rsa diffie-hellman rng dump forensic memory_dump php regex rce bufferoverflow xor keygen angr ropgadget stegno ssti rc4 recovery seed rev binary-exploitation jinja2 server-side-template-injection preg_replace maxi-code phantomjs arbitrary-read sql-injection graphql git easy medium hard crlf cache-poisoning steganography kubernetes disk cryptocurrency miscellaneous tv chatgpt stego ppc sekai