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Crypto CTF is an online competition for hackers to test, evaluate, and expand their skills in exploiting cryptography. In this CTF, we will provide various crypto challenges that focus on modern cryptography techniques.
All crypto lovers are most welcome!
Crypto CTF is a response to the longstanding complaints by CTF participants about the crypto challenges in CTF contests. In this brand-new tournament, we aim to provide crypto enthusiasts with fun and challenging pure crypto tasks that will truly test their passion for cryptography.
Each task will be based on a specific cryptographic primitive or will involve a direct application of cryptography in other fields.
The organizers of these tournaments generously offer their knowledge and skills to design original Crypto tasks and challenges for similar contests.
Long Live Crypto :)



CTF events

Crypto CTF 202588.25
Crypto CTF 202465.62
Crypto CTF 202359.60
Crypto CTF 202248.20
Crypto CTF 202136.00
Crypto CTF 202024.05
Crypto CTF 201924.05
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