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OtterCTF is a CTF competition focused mainly on the defensive side of the cyber dimension. The CTF will start at 6.12.18 and will end after five days at 10.12.18. All of the challenges were written by Asaf Eitani (UltraLutra). The competition is online and will be available after it ends. There are no prizes as the CTF is for educational purposes.

CTF events

Related tags: django c++ python mysql mobile c javascript jquery sqlmap ajax java hacking algorithms forensics misc complaining recon java programing android programing gentoo coding hardening networking penetration testing grsec kernel network security pentesting programming androidsecurity android reverse engineering cheese fo sqlinjection linux crypto good bilocation web forgot_password samir_wla3 crytography pwn reversing usb hid sqli blindsql lfi php-wrappers egghunt arm bufferoverflow playfair z3 bb84 aes quantum reverse bof format cryptography aes-ofb tls re memory grepping memory_dump steganography network forensic psp signals ropchain format-string fmtstr warmups osint stegsolve rsa stego scripting apk binaryexploitation rev keylogger polynomial discrete-log investigation inctf heap windows ecdsa ecc prng algo binary-search disk pcap volatility gameboy aes-ecb rebyc reverse_shell privesc sed ftp logs rce poisoning mitm command_injection babypwn machine_learning