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The Real World CTF 2018, which is in jeopardy style, has an
on-line qualification round followed by an on-site, hands-on
final round in China where all challenges are built on top of
real world applications. Our contest is open to players around
the global and everyone, every team is highly welcome to play
in the qualification round.

CTF events

Real World CTF 6th97.04
Real World CTF 5th82.00
Real World CTF 4th54.88
Real World CTF 3rd37.00
Real World CTF 2019 Finals25.00
Real World CTF 2019 Quals24.67
Real World CTF 2018 Finals25.00
Real World CTF 2018 Quals24.67
Related tags: java things programing forensics steganography cryptography socialengineering acm reverse engineering javascript python css html android nmap assembly language shell scripting c crypto mathematica wireshark c learning pwning malware ethical hacking pentesting wi-fi nothing programming exploiting shellcode windows malware analysis developing ida pro misc cracking learning new things algorithms cisco linux vsphere dns routing virtualization coding recon security analysis androidsecurity lfi rfi owasp sans penetration testing vulnerability analysis cross site scripting sql injection web java programing linuxbasic exploitation ophcrack ruby osint pwn pwnable c++ pwntools socket netcat binexploit sqli bypass waf exploit string-format network binary reversing relro use-after-free pcap keyboard hid reverse social engineering xss asm bufferoverflow stack sqlinjection bash xor rsa binaryexploitation sql reverse_engineering system check-in blockchain ssrf docker cookie crystal-ball redis injection pickle rce cache serialization ida vm arbitrary-code-execution lua flask python3 x86 ccls clang 0day deserialize rmi mbr path-traversal swampctf2019 ssrf#web php authentication rev clamav antivirus browser realworldctf_2019_bank js matrix dart schnorr ecc scrapy scrapyd xssauditor chrome syscall keybase github pgp sstv b00t2root ctf challenges [email protected] checkin old_tech servlet elliptic-curve elliptic curves realworldctf unintended-solution proxy networking new jop backdoor general primitive_roots crt root_of_unity linear_algebra knapsack modular-root british_flag_theorem caesar_shift canary bof pie gamehacking xxe re soundness rust blacklistbypass kernel bpf ppc hardware stego machine virtual postgresql waf-bypass node.js apache nodejs htaccess rop clone-and-pwn websec sandbox 2022 normal baby csrf ftp race-condition lightftp iot ethereum geth evm ellipticcurves obfuscation dynamic-analysis racecondition webshell secure-code-review difficulty:normal difficulty:schrödinger difficulty:baby algo prototype-pollution bridge smart-contract postgres