Offical URL:

Vegas finals.

Binjitsu by ddtek (... — 2012)
Legitimate Business Syndicate (2013 — 2017)
Order of the Overflow (2018 — 2021)
Nautilus Institute (2022 — ?)

CTF events

DEF CON CTF 202435.00
DEF CON CTF 202334.49
DEF CON CTF 202296.33
DEF CON CTF 202195.00
DEF CON CTF 202096.00
DEF CON CTF 201972.50
DEF CON CTF 201868.75
DEF CON CTF 201780.00
DEF CON CTF 201680.00
DEF CON CTF 201580.00
DEF CON CTF 201480.00
DEF CON CTF 201380.00
DEF CON CTF 201280.00
DEF CON CTF 201180.00
Related tags: reverse engineering bin freebsd x86 perl python web x64 elf prime bruteforce algebra factor writeup hidden des fun decode urlencode unicode javascript puzzle scientific latex rop arm pwn nothing biology audio captcha wep wpa aircrack pe clemency crypto rsa rev