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A CTF conducted by BITSkrieg and Quark for the annual technical fest of BITS Goa. (Total Prize Pool: 20,000 INR)

CTF events

BITSCTF 202521.81
BITSCTF 202421.81
BITSCTF 20230.00
BITSCTF 20220.00
BITSCTF 202022.92
BITSCTF 201922.92
BITSCTF 201715.89
Related tags: android network programming forensics network analyze crypto sleeping looking_confused decode java c++ tuctf xor reverse engineering audio miscellaneous audacity misc stegano image png web pcap python crytography windows wifi cracking re pwn #re strings brute tth adc compare ascii morse usb hid caps french bitsctf pdf static blackbox linux networking javascript maths burpsuite md5 shell sqlinjection sqlmap algebra bruteforce coding shodan lfi nodejs cryptography dns netcat rsa-crypto rsa binaryexploitation rop unicode formatstring rev binary overflow exploitation heap reversing passwords trivia scripting interweb stego steganography forensic php xss joy games procrastination osint ppc dig cloud cloud-pivot discord secretmanager google-cloud hardware ctf seriallogs evyatar9 hackthebox xpath error-based injection cyberapocalypse2021 base64 nintendobase64 ida passpharse ghidra console js inspect css htb ransomware winapi decrypt encrypt dll objcopy decompyle3 pyinstxtractor pyc backdoor fini_array hackthehox minefield dtor fini cybera blitzprop astinjection ngrok ast curl url caas exploit cve daas laravel extortion phpsession rce blindnosqlinjection nosqlinjection wildgoosehunt nosql port_forwarding flask keyboard keymission wireshark tshark dfir