Offical URL:

The Toulouse Hacking Convention is a french cybersecurity event, that brings together more than 350 participants each year, from various backgrounds : students, professionals and speakers !

THCon 2k24 will be a hyonbrid on-site / online event : it will take place from April 6 from 10:00 AM to April 7 10:00AM (UTC+2). in remote and on Aprill 22 from 10:00 AM to 18:00PM on site.

CTF events

THCon 2K25 CTF23.65
THCon 2k24 CTF23.65
THCon23 CTF19.00
THCon 2k2224.00
THC CTF 202124.00
THC CTF 20180.00
THC CTF 20170.00
Related tags: php-shell pentesting penetration testing python security networking network hacking hacking internet programming social engineering c pwn re reversing reverse crypto rev linux forensics binwalk cgc learning ceasar code-injection xss java acm recon engineering template-injection misc rsa flask forensic privilege escalation network web stack_pivot wget cryptography stegano #crypto #web50 pcap scientific puzzle query miscellaneous observation sandwiches dumpster_diving excel algebra logic hardware games topkek unix bash being_confused googling trivia wireshark technologies javascript c++ app c gaming programming sha1 git z3 apk steganography exploit sandbox asan shell pwnable linuxbasic real-baby-rsa warmup smtsolver gif cloud binary stego hacktehbox system_drop ret2libc htb ghidra srop php osint cracking bruteforce hashcat password regex android dexcalibur jeb emulator crackme bypassfilter cryptography-rsa rce sha-1 lfi stegnography godot