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RITSEC CTF 2025 is a security-focused competition that features the following categories: BIN\PWN, Crypto, Reversing, Forensics, Web, Misc, and more. We welcome beginners and more advanced security friends! Join the discord!!!

CTF events

RITSEC CTF 202426.98
RITSEC CTF 202330.62
RITSEC CTF 202231.82
RITSEC CTF 202126.81
RITSEC CTF 201920.87
RITSEC CTF 201820.87
RC3 CTF 201718.90
RC3 CTF 201618.90
Related tags: programming penetration engineering technologies reverse engineering python forensics mikrotik paloalto cisco sql sqli network securtity mobile security organization shellcode analysis malware analysis social bug-hunting metasploit windows linux wifi cracking scans nmap backtrack server hardening wireshark objective-c c++ secure-coding software engineering c java code-injection cracking exploit c c programin godzilla other fans bashing nothing coding penetration testing stuff sleeping cryptography scripting network - analysis expliotation shellcode spectating math web crytography md5 networking javascript mysql sysadmin pentesting sqlinjection learning researching things reverse packet analysis recon html css binary analysis robots.txt irc js sex pwn assembly servers trobleshoting hardening googling shell lisp infosec pcaps stego coder exploitation misc steganography crypto unix being awesome php zip png wrapper pwnable ciphertexts caesar shift cipher lsb rabin pcap srp sqlmap sql injection pdf bash reversing enumeration music algorithms dns git gpg img timing #misc #writeup #r3ctf #indonesia #re #logmein goodtime indonesia writeup rc3ctf #reversing ctf r3ctf vic forensic tcpdump ctf2016 write xss xsrf apache writeup2016 rc32016 scoreboard miscellaneous apache2 csrf pgp remote pwning libc aslr pexpect ssp rop nx exploits gdb anti debug daugau binary re malware scapy all protocols powerpc rust x86 mips arm cuda reverse_engineering hardware securtity algo cloud kali programing attacks overflow buffer ppc systems hacking system pentest student base64 image computer perl ssh go mobile security investigation crime rev bugs_bunny peda sysdig aes electronics forensic+crypto reserver agen 99 domino mbr gameboy compiler injection websec xor elgamal markdown dnssec waf experimental null nullpointer sandbox regex warmup index ppc-m bufferoverflow rtl sdr hql salsa20 nonce heap abbas joy ruby perfection knock students pascal webshell online python3 command command_injection sqlite caesar curl decode brop pwntools z3 heap-overflow leak maths lfi rce diffie-hellman esolang blockcipher discrete-log rails shellshock cgi hash-collision keyboard-layout softsynth iv cve2014-6271 filerecovery brokenpng aes-ecb stegano ritsec zsteg infrastructure radio ssrf fsop movfuscator bruteforce collision hash crackme angr android forgery cookie preg_match cpp uaf tcache-poisoning tcache-dup fbctf fbctf-2019 aes-gcm lamport-ots one-time-signature merkle-signature-scheme quantum-resistant evilbits .init_array out-of-band elliptic rsa xsleaks xs-search elixir curves bin random base jwt gdbscript hop_by_hop ritsecctf 2019 bain morse usb-keyboard patching rot47 exif rot13 browser bookmarks chrome hashcat crack ntlm sha256crypt substitution ecc s3 aws api upload steghide portknocking encoding hastad unpacking magit lua filesystem fmtstr bof cmd file warm-up cryptography-rsa nodejs iot senangdominoq pkvgames senangdomino pkv situsqq judiqq poker number_theory golang regex-injection blind-regex-injection blind-regex rubiks-cube cpython jpg flask roulette lastpass truecrypt volatility tchuntng format-string password-cracking ctf_writeup cyberwall steg1 webexploitation nosql-injection qemu yoddha cyber 106_sam 106sam 106 cyberyoddhactf rfc custom-protocol bad-keys packet-analysis loremipsum osint intel badtraffic osing ret2libc nim rockyou dna base4 password hash_cracking pcapng obfuscation blob 1597 birdthief inceptionctf parcel dream 1957 fysa stego+crypto kernel autopsy rdp blockchain stack_overflow stack_canaries revesing xpc macos visualcrypto aes-cbc adventure johntheripper scada wsgi discord brainfuck jar stack_pivot binaryexploitation race-condition tamperdata offbyone off-by-one oob memory wav antidebug statically_linked nosqli websocket ics salaea traffic ecdsa beginner one-time-pad restricted-bash escapeshellcmd signals hamming_code factordb factoring yafu totient-function requests tcp preg_replace bingus logs binary-exploitation binary-exploitaion chandi_bot intro logicbug telegram xxe pickle deserialization affine_cipher qr qrcode steg logic linkedin hiddeninvestigations mini_rsa ropchain canary lcg broadcast-attack sstv wifi wifi_cracking networks linux_filesystem tls mkv minecraft zlib nbt