Come and join this jeopardy-style hacking competition. Solve fresh hacking puzzles, learn new skills and have fun doing it. It is the first time we host this CTF, so join us and win prizes!

CTF events

Related tags: web development hacking forensics networking linux cisco html reverse_engineering coding javascript assembly code-analysis mysql metasploit windows sqlinjection algorithms cryptography csrf analysis pentest spamming cracking sqli malware php css xss stuff nothing entry lfi curl astinjection no-sql-injection mongodb laravel xpath format-string pwn stack-pivot rop write-what-where python2 oob ctypes pwntools environ_ptr srand rand bof integer-overflow waf regex waf-bypass injection seed twitter book-cipher os oscommandinjection rev macho pe crypto one-time-pad programming pixelization hashcracking obfuscation mainframe request-smuggling cpp floating-point phone-numbers unicode deserialization java flask-session memcache-injection elf github-action image-processing deconvolution blurring ecb aes aes-ecb retro ibm rexx-interpreter reverse-engineering shellcraft google-dork